By Uchendu Precious Onuoha
As the election to the Federation of Nigerian
Community Spain (FNCS) comes up in November, it is expedient to draw the
attention of Nigerians living in Spain to the manipulations, deceptions and exploitations
they have been subjected to out of ignorance by those who claim to be leaders
and elder statesmen over them but are nothing but wolfs in sheep skin. These
are Spanish citizens of Nigerian extract, who have by virtue of obtaining the
Spanish nationality have renounced their Nigerian citizenship. Of what moral,
legal and constitutional rights have such people over Nigerians to direct the
affairs of patriotic and well -meaning Nigerians in Spain. That amounts to a
new kind of colonialism or interventionism by Spain on Nigeria.
“My people perish because of lack of knowledge”.
Nigerians in Spain have been wallowing in a state of ignorance and the wolfs in
their midst have cashed on their ignorance to pull a veil over their eyes to
blindfold them not to see and know their rights or what belongs to them. Hence
the leadership of FNCS and NIDO has been hijacked for years by this group for
their selfish interest to the detriment of Nigerians in Spain. Until my protest
with some concerned Nigerians two years ago, that the last FNCS election should
be cancelled or postponed until awareness about the association which has over
the years operated as a secret cult unknown to majority of Nigerians who they
claim to represent is created. For more than a decade the activities of FNCS
has been run as a mushroom and kitchen cabinet by the Spanish citizens who have
been calling the shots in the affairs of the association. Not because of their
love for Nigeria but for their selfish purposes. Among them is the outgoing
incumbent president, Emmanuel Udiebe, whose emergence as the president of FNCS
is a fraud by virtue of his status as a Spanish citizen.
Above all is Dr. Joe Illoh, a renowned Spanish citizen
who has made himself the ALFA and OMEGA of the Nigerian community in Spain. Joe
Illoh is the custodian of the FNCS constitution which he sole handedly drafted
and enshrined clauses that favors and enslaved the leadership of FNCS to
Spanish citizens like him. Illoh has constituted himself as a demi-god among
the Nigerian community that you dare not cough where he is or have contrary
view to anything he does or say. Any attempt to see contrary to his opinion is
met with acts of intimidation, antagonism and threats, of which I have been a
victim and remains as an eternal foe.
The most recent of his flagrant exhibition of his
bloated ego as the Sonum bonum of the FNCS was exhibited at the last congress
of the FNCS in Murcia on August 28 where he loquaciously said that he purposely
came to the congress because of Flourish Arohia. Why? Just because Flourish had
the audacity to voice out that it is not proper for Nigerians with Spanish
nationality to be at the helm of affairs of the FNCS. Such is the antics of the
man whom some Nigerians have been hoodwinked to worship as an elder statesman
and these are the caliber of leaders and people Nigerians in Spain are to
bestow honors. I think such is devious.
I would like to put certain facts clear to Nigerians
in Spain.
Nigeria is a sovereign nation and has not relinquished
her sovereignty to Spain.
The constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria
supersedes that of the FNCS or any other association on issues that pertains to
Nigeria and Spain do not operate dual citizenship.
Therefore it is quiete wrong for someone who needs a visa to travel to Nigeria
to champion the cause of true Nigerians in Spain.
I am not against anybody taking up Spanish nationality
for best reasons, as far as he stays within the bounds or limits of his status.
But the repugnant behavior of our people over the rest of Nigerians has called
for cause for concern. And we cannot close eyes to their manipulations anymore.
“If an idol becomes too troublesome, it will be shown the stick from where it
was carved”
Irrespective of what interpretation or coloration
Illoh and his cohorts may give it, the leadership of the Nigerian community in
Spain is for Nigerians. And any attempt to subvert that would not be acceptable
to Nigerians in Spain anymore. Therefore I call on Nigerians in Spain to resist
any attempt by any group of persons to trample on their rights. Also the
Nigerian embassy Spain should be informed about this malaise. All those gunning
for election to the FNCS executive should be screened to make sure they are
true Nigerians. And all those to vote and be voted for should be Nigerians. Any
attempt to manipulate that will be strongly resisted by well- meaning Nigerians
in Spain.
According to
the lyrics of Bob Marley, “You can fool some people sometimes, But you can't fool
all the people all the time. So now we see the light…Nigerians in Spain get up and
fight for your rights. ”First fool is not a fool, but second fool is a proper
I know what I have said might hurt or offend many
people, but what I have stated is the abject truth and I have no regrets.
Mr. Onuoha, I thank you for speaking out, I agree with you 100%,I wonder why anyone who willingly gives up his nationality will still be eyeing the affairs of that country.We will be fools to allow such people to continue to run our affairs.That probably accounts for the lack of appreciable achievements of the federation. We must all educate those who do not know the implications of handing over our sovereingty to foreigners. Nigeria for Nigerians