am deeply miffed by what took place on the 29th of August, 2015 in Murcia. I am
pained by the fact that I was not in attendance in Murcia for the congress of
the Federation of Nigeria Communities in Spain (FNCS), but my name was on fire.
This was at the prompt of one professor “Judas Illusion” who has since the days
of yore, held Nigerians and the Nigeria nation in Spain on their juglars for
reasons of egoism.
can aptly liken it to the popular rendition of one of Africa´s most gifted
music icon, the late Olufela Anikulapo Kuti of eternal memory which goes
thus...... Trubledey sleep, Iyanga go wetin ee dey fine...palava ee
dey fine...palava ee go get...Palavaaa when Cat sleep....rat go bite eem wetin ee dey find for murcia....ooooo? palava ee got get..ooooo.
Palava…aaa, Mr. landlord know say him tenant lost his job, and month com eeeend
he say.....oga pay me your rent..o na wetin e dey fine.......? palava him e dey
na palava ee go get…ooooho? Palava na eem e dey find and na palava ee go
get..oooo..! et-al....!
will not be mindful of my language, in-here-so-far professor “Judas Illusion”
has touched my tail when i was sleeping jejeje. Nigeria is our fatherland and i
am proud to be a Nigerian anywhere, any day and at any forum.
years ago, professor “Judas Illusion” and some egocentric individuals with the
sole aim of emasculating the future, fortunes and destinies of the entire
Nigeria nationals resident in the Royal Kingdom of Spain, decided to form a
federation with the tacit backing of the then ambassador whose name i will not
mention herein, because it has no relevance to this article. After the
formation of this pain inflicting federation, he assumed the presidency thereof
un-opposed, and began to rule like king Nebuchadnezzar-using the federation as
an instrument of distortion of facts and realities and as a medium to
surreptitiously drain their pockets in total connivance with the embassy
hierarchy as it were then. Thereafter, they came with a far reaching caveat
against fellow Nigerians. They intardem, went to the Spanish authorities to
have a “tete-a-tete” with them. Guess what? They sold a far reaching dummy to
them. They informed the Spanish authorities that all the police character certificates
submitted by Nigerians from Nigeria are all forged or faked by the Nigerians
within Spain. To that end, they proposed to them to stop the acceptance of any
police character certificate from Nigerians except it passes through the embassy.
Spanish authorities who has been eavesdropping to unveil the perceived
mysteries surrounding the Nigerian people, jumped in to harvest the fruits of
that information. Nigerians were consequently asked to stop submitting police
character certificates brought by themselves. That was the beginning of pains
for Nigerians. Nigerians spent the whole of 2006 and 2007 without police
character certificates that would have enabled them to process either their
resident permits or for other important uses. The pangs received by Nigerians
remain fresh in my memory. That was the game plan and it worked in their
favour. During this period, professor “Judas Illusion” virtually turned the
embassy to his ersonal farm. Of course, he was the de facto ambassador. He was
the enfante terrible in Madrid-lording it over Nigerians and the embassy. He
had an unnanounced office inside the embassy. He was the Napoleon at the
embassy. No dared ask him any question. He was the alter ego between the
Nigerian nation and the embassy.
cried blood, yet, no one paid attention to their plight. Professor "Judas
Illusion" and co., were waiting for Nigerians to come cap in hand to ask
for police character certificates through the help of the embassy. And that was
what happened eventually. Professor “Judas Illusion” knows he had no need of
police character certificate because he is already a Methusellah in
Spain-having obtained his Spanish nationality when most of us were in our
mothers womb or still in heaven or not even created needless to know if we will
be made human beings and sent to this sinful world. In conjunction with the
then ambassador, they connived and inflicted pains on fellow Nigerians by
pegging the police character certificate that would not have cost more than 50€
(fifty euros) at a ridiculous price of 160€ (One hundred euros.) Guess what!?
He shamelessly came out to tell Nigerians that he fought so hard with the
ambassador to reduce it to that price and that is the best he can do for
Nigerians. He even demanded for applause for that ignoble feat.
my fellow Nigerians!
not done, he single-handedly wrote the constitution of the federation with a
portion stating that the incumbent (himself), has the sole prerogative to
appoint his successor. That is to tell you how drunk he is with power.
Professor “Judas Ilussion” never cease to amaze any learned mind. He held on to
power for so many years without organizing any election and of course, the
constitution as it were then, never stated when the tenure of the excos of the
federation expires. So, they were the Mobutus of the federation until we rose
up in unism against his totalitarian rule. He tried to cling on to power but
forces beyond his contention did not allow him any further space to operate. He
then decided to relinguish power willy-nilly to his surrogates that eventually
brought the out-going president, Mr. Emmanuel Oghekevwe Udieba to power. That
was the brash heart he brought to ELCHE in 2011.
fact is that power is stronger than the Russia Vodka, professor “Judas
Illusion” felt something has gone out of him because... "Power tends to
corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely." He felt empty. He knew
he lost his cherished empire-the federation of Nigeria Communities in Spain
(FNCS.) The moment “Judas Illusion” noticed that power had gone out of him, just
as virtue would leave a woman that delivered newly, he reversed to perversive
means and methods to re-implant himself back into the mainstream decision
making organ of the federation. He has so much love for power and has arrogated
same to himself which he has consistently exhibited umpteenth time by barging
into the federation congress at will without being invited-all in a bid to
meddle into the affairs of the federation and to assuage his egocentric
propaganda in the name of the founding father of the federation-a coinage so sickening
to the ears of a well-informed fellow like my humble-self.
That´s absolute bunkum!
was he in MURCIA? It was based on an email which i circulated prior to the
final ammendments and ratification of the present constitution where a
paragraph stated that any Nigerian with Spanish nationality can contest ,for
elective post as an executive of the Federation. That was the sore point and i
dare state once again, it is oprobrious and an affront to our national
sovereignty! First and foremost, the name "Federation of Nigerian
Communities in Spain" is as clear as crystal in the sense that, it was not
registered as "The federation of Nigeria and Spanish Communities in
Spain." Without any ambiguity, it is a well known fact that as soon as you
take up the challenge of abandoning your paternal nation, you are no longer a
citizen of such nation any more, except where the constitution of such nation
dictates otherwise. In this context, Nigeria had no Memorandum of Understanding
or any bilateral agreement with the Royal Kingdom of Spain on dual nationality,
hence it becomes an anathema for any ex-Nigeria to become an exco of the
infusion of this obnoxious paragraph portends grave danger in the long run-as
it equally gives a Spanish national the opportunity to vie for an elective
office in the Federation and none of can agitate otherwise because it is part
and parcel of our constitution. This is the point i am making very clear before
the Nigerian nation in Spain. It may not suffice today, because some greedy
elements who have obtained this status are angling for posts and positions in
the Federation and as such, they never sees anything wrong in its infusion thereof
until it veers off their blighted sights, but time will tell. With the infusion
of this offensive paragraph, the Federation sits pretty on a keg of gun powder
and it may explode any moment from now. Mark my word!
wish professor “Judas Illusion” knows what it means to be a founding father, he
would have sat quietly in his Leganes home and wait to be honoured as such
rather than using deriding tactics and antics to force the federation to
recognize him as such. It is so debasing and of course an insipid language so
obscene to mention. The obsenity of his presence is liken to halitosis before
me. It was the same man that infused the
contentious paragraph that a Nigerian who wilfully swore to an oath before a
Spanish judge that he is no longer a Nigerian can still come and contest for an
executive position in the federation against the constitution of the Royal Kingdom
of Spain and the Federal Republic of Nigeria. It so bemusing that a man who
claims to be a professor could not interprete the constitution of his
fatherland regardless of the fact that he has disown it many years ago.
professor? Yes, i am not surprise, because in Spain a kindergarten teacher is
equally called professor. So, it suffices to mention it anywhere where peopkle
who do not know what it means in Spain and they get carried by the
nam-”professor.” We in Spain knows better! In Nigeria and other parts of
elightened world, a professor knows his onions.
the avoidance of doubt, the constitution of the Federal Republic
Nigeria states and i paste herein as follows........
28. (1) Subject to the other provisions of this section, a person shall forfeit
forthwith his Nigerian citizenship if, not being a citizen of Nigeria by birth,
he acquires or retains the citizenship or nationality of a country, other than
Nigeria, of which he is not a citizen by birth.(2) Any registration of a person
as a citizen of Nigeria or the grant of a certificate of naturalization to a
person who is a citizen of a country other than Nigeria at the time of such
or grant shall, if he is not a citizen by birth of that other country, be
conditional upon effective renunciation of the citizenship or nationality of that
other country within a period of not more than five months from the date of
such registration or grant.29. (1) Any citizen of Nigeria of full age who
wishes to renounce his Nigerian citizenship shall make a declaration in the prescribed
manner for the renunciation.(2) The President shall cause the declaration made
under subsection (1) of this section to be registered and upon such
registration, the person who made the declaration shall cease to be a citizen
of Nigeria.”
the above paragraphs where does the position of dual nationality stands between
a citizen of the Federal Republic of Nigeria and Spain? Your judgement is as
good as mine!
time the vexed issue of Spanish nationality comes for discuss, professor “Judas
Illusion” always refer to some members of the national assembly that are having
dual citizenships without taking into due cognizance of the Memoradum of
Undwerstanding (MoU) between the countries that allowed for dual citizenship
vis-a-vis that of Nigeria and Spain. I must sound it loud and clear herein that
Nigeria and Spain has no relationship in terms of dual citizenship and they may
never have it till the end of time, because we have nothing in common in terms
of political, cultural, traditional and economic affinity. Therefore, it will
be a mere wishful thinking to believe that one day, that will be a reality.
Instead, it will be a mirage!
that fateful 29th of August, 2015 i was away from the congress due my work
schedules, but professor “Judas Illusion” drove all the way from Madrid to
Murcia all in a bid to come and attack Mr. Flourish for daring to comment
against the inclusion of this offensive paragraph into the constitution of the
federation. He came barking like an asaltian shepalute dog, that, he came
because of Mr. Flourish. If professor "UWUJAKPOR" knows what it means
to be called a professor which he claims he is, he would have with-held his
peace having known that Mr. Flourish was not in that august gathering as a mark
of respect for him and Mr. Flourish until such a time he is chanced to meet
with Mr. Flourish. Instead, he went ahead to exhibit his ignorance of the
prefix attached to his name and began to vent his frustrations on members who
never bargained for his presence-thereby dirupting the smooth running of the
congress of which he was not an invitee. What a bum! A shameful and despicable
act i will always laugh off till i depart Spain.
professor “Judas Illusion” never know is the he is political a spent force and
a failure. Economically, he is an egoistic vulture. Socially, he is an outcast
and a psychopath. He has failed the Nigeria nationals in Madrid which he claims
to represent. Throughout his innumerable years as both the president of Nigeria
nationals in Madrid and the federation, there was no single record of any
achievenment, yet, he has the effrontery to trump up himself as an elder states
man. If i were him, i would drop any political toga attached with my name and
roost quitely in the comfort of his professorship in recluse and save myself the
hassles of barrage of embarrassments he faces here and there due to his
word is enough for the wise!
Though fools don´t know what they have got
until it is lost!
“Judas Illusion”, go to hell, because the issue of that offensive paragraph
will surely be settled by the ambassador at the appropriate time and we in
Cataluña region will never vote for any candidate that has Spanish nationality
come next federation election. Mark my word!
Flourish Friday Arohia.
Avatar and minister in the temple of justice.)