
Tuesday, 9 June 2015



In Nigeria, whenever elections are held, there are words that are so synonymous with the Nigerian journalist and the elite class to describe the emerging scenario thereof. Words such as….“Mandate” or impasse are used sporadically by all to paint the real picture of the nation.

What is mandate? I will not be wasting my precious time illustrating what mandate means than telling everyone in the simplest term what mandate really depicts for ease of understanding. Mandate, according to the English dictionary simply means....."An official order or commission to do something."
The kind of order or commission determines where the pendulum swings. Know it that he who gives order and whom order is given to must agree to make the order work or else, it is either the order is flouted or the person ordered to do something but refuses to it will be queried and perhaps relieve of his post.

Impasse was the most used word after the 1993 Presidential election held on the June, 1993 that was annulled by the infamous Ibrahim Badamosi Babangida´s administration. For close to three years, the entire Nigeria media was awashed with this word.

Impasse simply means deadlock or a problem that has no immediate solution or call it cul-de-sac. This was because the Babangida administration refused to listen to the voice of reasoning and the songs of decent wisdom calling for the revalidation of the annulled election.

 Yes, he who pays the piper dictates the tune...shikina!

But in the emerging four years, what we may stay glue to or be hearing from the nation´s seat of power, Aso Rock, will be....” Who goes there? Enemy or friend? Advance to be recognized....!” Yowaa.....Oga Mr. President. Ranka dede manya... Sai Buhari, et al

In fact, many more Inyarinyas will surely be taken into the glorious purdah inside the Aso Rock to serve as Presidential fleet of Inyarinyas. After all, we only have one first (Mata) lady and tens of concubines always assembled by successive Presidents and no one gives a hoot. Kai walahi, you want to lose your life for daring to write or mention the Presidential fleet of Matas? Kwo ha ka ba? Ba damuwa....!

You don´t need a soothsayer to warn you that you MUST be a Muslim extremist to cross the gates leading to Aso Rock, if not the entire Abuja beginning from May the 29th, 2015. Heaven will rejoice if Southerners dare escape the mountains of impediments that they will be made to pass through to see their Vice President. Forget about the President. It will be easier to see God than Mr. President, except you belong to the league of decapitators of fellow human being ably backed by the Caliphate.

If per adventure such occurs or not, you can´t blame Mr. President. He fought gallantly for it and he got it! Not because he is the best, but because he is from the Oligarchical North where the sun never sets when it comes to wresting powers from other tribes in our butchered nation.

On March, 28th 2015, the most populous black nation, Nigeria, had an election that ushered in the new President of our beloved fatherland on May 29th, 2015. Men and women trooped out in their millions to exercise their inalienable civic rights. The right to vote and be voted for. Everyone was allowed to make his or her choice. A choice of who will rule them in the next four years. Mark you, Nigeria had never and may never elect a leader. All we have are rulers. For the avoidance of doubt, there are differences between a ruler and a leader. That may be a matter of discuss for another day.

I intend reminding everyone of the message I sent to the entire Nigeria nation just some hours away from that epic election. However, I feel it may not be too necessary to continue to replicate the scenarios especially when events and circumstances has dittoed otherwise.

On that very grateful date, Nigerians went to the poll like any other nation. Two prominent gladiators emerged through their various political parties as Presidential flag bearers. It is no news any more than one was favored to win while the other was favored to lose through the satanic connivance of the aristocrats in the North and the South West. They held series of clandestine meetings to pull down the walls of Aso Rock should their preferred candidate lose that election-all in their desire to satisfy their egoism, their want of power and looting that will leave the Nigeria state in comatose situation till the eternity. They concocted all sorts of evil along the way.

Of the two musketeers, one is a civilian and he is the incumbent President Goodluck Jonathan while the other is a well-known Zombie since the time of yore. He has a pedigree as one of the most ruthless dictator Nigeria ever had. The signs and the wonders done through his jackboots never cease to linger in the memory of noble men and women of his generation.

The Zombie became the crowned prince of victory even before ballots were opened. He was the anointed messiah. Messiah? Yes, he is the expected avatar. He is the charming prince of discipline, the only one that can tell Boko Haram haka hiki? And they will obey with a loud voice........ranka dede mutum yowaaaa! Yankuri …..et al.

That was what led to the choice of the masses. Nigeria needs the sponsors and apostles of Boko Haram and anti-semitic establishments to rule, so that there will be peace. No man, not even the outgoing President has the muscle to stop the callous carnage. No! Never! Who bore Monkey?

How can a branded Islamic infidel stop the well supported Boko Haram when his head is also on demand just like the head of John the Baptist? He must leave or hell will lose against the Yan-mirins from the South-South and South-East. They are not Nigerians, if at all they are counted as Nigerians, they don´t deserve to come near Abuja, needless to ask for any passage to Aso Rock.

There are first, second and third class citizens in Nigeria and of course, there are classless citizens of same nation. Hitherto, that has been their cry against the Goodluck Jonathan`s rise to the Presidency. They felt, they made the most grievous mistake of their life time by allowing a Yan-mirin to become their President. The way out or the way forward is to kick him out in the most inglorious manner any President had ever witnessed. Indeed, their agitations came to reality on that fateful 28th March, 2015.

By hook and crook, the incumbent President was supposedly voted out of power, because that is the only way their mathematical equation will become a theorem.

A theorem propounded by the Caliphate, the Obasanjo’s and Bola Ahmed Tinubu`s dynasties. No qualms! They are the victors and the South-South is the vanquished. Eka ro omo iya, ekunle omo Oduá …....! You all have succeeded in exhibiting the eternal treachery that you are known for. President Goodluck Jonathan surely left office on the 29th May, 2015 so that your desires will be met. I do not have any remorse for Goodluck Jonathan, because he was dinning and winning with known enemies in the name of political god-fatherism and he paid the supreme price.

But, let us not lose sight of the fact that there is always a day of reckoning. A day will come when the South-South and the South-East will not know peace-as we shall fight as we deem it necessary, for we know we shall win-as we are confident in victory, because good will surely triumph over evil.

In-here-so-far the Nigeria nation has mandated Buhari to perch at the helm of affairs of the nation, not through the barrels of the gun this time, what more can we ask for? He should know that the Nigeria masses are the pipers´ player and they should dictate the tune. The tune to constant and uninterrupted electricity, good road networks, good medical care, affordable education, employment at all levels, empowerment of the masses in wealth creation through soft loans and subsidies, justice and fairness to all and the inevitable eradication of one of his puppet projects, the Boko Haram.

Maj. General Buhari (rtd) and his team of seasoned looters should take into consideration that they all will be held accountable by this generation and generation-next should they fail to deliver, because we have come to realize that ….......”“Throughout history, it has been the inaction of those who could have acted; the indifference of those who should have known better; the silence of the voice of justice when it mattered most; that has made it possible for evil to triumph.” (Imperial Majesty Haile Selassie1 of Ethiopia.)

What Buhari and his unknown team must know and hate is the recurring insidious moves of successive Presidents against the youths of our nation through oratory massaging of their psyche with unrealistic promises. That will be detrimental to his administration and just like his predecessor; he will be shown the way back to Daura even before the expiration of his tenure. Oligarchical sarcasm must be eschewed, religious bigotry will not be tolerated and he should never make the mistake of trying to colourate the Presidency with mind-benders, soul wreckers and never do wells in our society.

Failure to adhere to this tenet, will rubbish the essence of his ascension to the Presidency. He should realize that without success in these spheres, the Victory, we celebrate today; the suffering that we have all endured will be to no avail.
To win the War against corruption, to overcome the enemy upon the fields cannot alone ensure the Victory in the Presidency. The cause of poverty must be removed. Each tribe's rights must be secured from violation. Above all, from the human mind, he must erase all thoughts of humiliations as a solution. Then and then only will hatred cease.

Nigerians are the Mandators, the Presidency is the mandate while Buhari and co., are the mandated. No voice will be loud, no voice should be muffled, no tribe should be alienated in the name of party affiliation, religious believes or numerical strength. Should Buhari with his “Keu” certificates allow the elites to hijack his government, that will be the death knell to his administration and that will surely be his waterloo.  Much as I sympathize with his educational backwardness, for I am very sure that Buhari do not know how many Zero is in a billion, he should be mindful of those he will appoint to sensitive positions in the next dispensation.

It will be fool-hardy for the APC as a political party, to bask in the euphoria of victory to appoint willy-nilly individuals or individuals reputed to be sworn klepto-crats into his administration.

Upon Buhari, Nigerians are optimistic, but I need to remind us all that there will be wars and wars and there is war already hanging in the air for the APC and the do-gooders who has used their looted funds to sponsor Buhari´s campaign. It will only take some hours after his swearing in before the bubble will begin to burst. Can Buhari contain the egoistic balance of the political Kabiyesi like Bola Tinubu and Obasanjo? Can Buhari give Nigerians affordable and uninterruptable electricity? Can Buhari make life more meaningful to Nigerians? Can or will Buhari ever confront and defeat his fellow extremists in Boko Haram conclave in the Sambissa forest? Can Buhari deliver? Can he cope without the usual military rule of “obey before complain” in a democratic set up in the nation called Nigeria? Can he cope with the vulturistic tendencies and the Oliver Twist demands of the looting sharks in the nation´s legislative chambers? Can he? The rat race will be too fierce to contend. Only time will tell.....!
Know it that "All great truths begin as blasphemies"

Espirit de corps Mr. President!
Presidential salute, present arms.......One, two-trip one,..two trip zero.............!!
Never say I did not warn you sir....!
Flourish osmor ray (unbias umpire and minister in the temple of justice, equality and fair play.)

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