
Sunday, 26 April 2015


By Uchendu Precious Onuoha (Special Correspondent Spain)

About 2000 years ago, the nation of Israel was in a state of dilemma and confusion, as they were dominated by an imperial lord. Under the circumstance the people found themselves they remembered that they were blessed with a land that flowed with milk and honey. But because of their disobedience to Yahweh, evil and corruption pervaded the land, and the Jewish nation lost their position and bearing in God’s purpose for the nation. And they became colonized by the Roman Empire. 

The people suffered in the midst of plenty as their fate lied in the hands of the imperial lords. Under their predicament, they remembered a promised messiah.  A leader who would bail them out, and deliver them from political, social and economic bondage. And It was under that scenario that Jesus Christ came on stage with a ministry contrary to their expectations, including John his fore runner. Perhaps if Jesus were really the Messiah, He would perform works connected with political deliverance of Israel or at least the deliverance of John, His fore runner who was unjustly imprisoned, they may have reasoned. John became doubtful, and sent emissaries to Jesus and asked. “Are you the coming one, or do we look for another?”  Under the circumstance John found himself, his situation may be explained.

The Presidential election has come and gone in Nigeria. And the president elect has emerged. His victory has been welcomed with a lot of euphoria among some Nigerians, and despair among others across the nation.  Like the people of Israel and John, Nigeria is in a state of high expectation, doubt and predicament. To the President elect, like a new born baby the birth celebration will soon be over and the guests will depart. And staring before him is a journey into a vast plantation. Buhari, to many Nigerians may seem to be the expected Messiah going by his pedigree. But to millions of Johns across Nigeria, given to the state of rot in the system, with corruption exulted  and glorified in high places, no steady power supply, education and health care beyond the reach of the common man, no water, and good roads. A situation  that made Andrew to check out in the 80’s. And worse still the hydra headed insecurity problem. In the midst of these, the question in the minds of many Johns in Nigeria are; Buhari, are you the coming one, or should we look for another? President elect, the answer is yours.

In a country where the leaders are richer than the states, Politicians looting and squandering the public’s money without any fear or restriction and milking the nation’s resources to a standstill. While the masses and youths are suffering, the salary and income of a Nigerian legislator in a year is more than the overall income of the constituency that he represents. Mr. President elect, your campaign slogan was vote for “change”. Now that the protagonist of change has arrived, Will there be changes in situations that are crying for change.  Buhari, are you the coming one or should we look for another?

Judgement should begin from the house of God. Therefore change should begin from those on the seat of power. The earnings of a Nigerian senator in a year is more than enough  to provide the  basic amenities, which are lacken  in the states they represent. Because Nigerian legislators are overpaid that’s why going to Abuja has become a do or die affair for every politician whom the first bill that receives an express approval is their salaries. If Abuja is changed from been a goldmine to legislators at the expense of the people, the number of those who go there to suck Nigeria dry will be reduced.
Remove tithe and offering from the church, then you will know those who are really called by God.  President elect, here is a special report on the salaries of the legislators you are about to preside. Will there be a change in this trend.  Buhari, are you the one, or should we wait for another?

Details of Average Salary of a Nigerian Senator.
Basic Salary (B.S) -                                                                     N2, 484,245.50
Hardship Allowance (50% of B.S) -                                           N1,242,122.70
Constituency Allowance (200% of B.S) -                                  N4,968,509.00
Newspaper Allowance (50%of B.S) -                                        N1,242,122.70
Wardrobe Allowance (25% of B.S) -                                         N621,061.37
Recess Allowance (10% of B.S) -                                              N248,424.55
Accommodation (200% of B.S) -                                               N4,968,509.00
Utilities (30% of B.S) -                                                               N828,081.83
Domestic Staff (70% of B.S) -                                                    N1,863,184.12
Entertainment (30% of B.S) -                                                     N828,081.83
Personal Assistants (25% of B.S) -                                            N621,061.12
Vehcle Maintenace Allowance (75% of B.S) -                          N1,863,184.12
Leave Allowance (10% of B.S) -                                               N248,424.55
Severance Gratuity (300% of B.S) -                                          N7,452,736.50
Car Allowance (400% of B.S) -                                                 N9, 936, 982.00

Total Monthly Salary =           N29,479.00 x 12 =  N353,756,988.00 ($2,183,685.00)
Exchange Rate = $1 = N162

Britain -                    $105, 400.00
United States -        $174,000.00
France -                    $85,900.00
South Africa -          $104,000.00
Kenya -                     $74,500.00
Saudi  Arabia -         $64,000.00
Brazil -                        $157,600.00
Ghana -                      $46, 500.00
Indonesia -                $65, 800.00
Thailand -                  $43,800.00
India -                        $11, 200.00
Italy -                         $182, 000.00
Bangladesh -            $4,000.00
Israel -                       $114,800.00
Hong Kong -             $130,700.00
Canada -                    $154, 000.00
Spain -                       $43,900.00
Germany -                $119,500.00
Pakistan -                  $3, 500.00
Norway -                   $138, 000.00

According to the Economist, in terms of law makers’ salaries as a ratio of GDP per capita, the gap is even much wider. While the salary of a Nigerian law maker is 116 times the country’s GDP per person, that of British Member of Parliament is just 2.7 times. The average salary of a Nigerian worker based on the national minimum wage is N18, 000.00. So the yearly salary is N18, 000.00 X12 = N216,000.00 ($1,333.00). Remember, the annual salary of a Nigerian senator is, $2,183,685.00. In proportion, $2,183,685.00/$1,333.00 = 1,638. Therefore, it will take an average Nigerian worker 1,638 years to earn the annual salary of a Nigerian Senator. Senior Buhari, please answer John your servant, with the above statistics, are you the one to make the changes, or should I wait for another?
Mr. President, you can see that our legislators legislate more into their pockets, and they are part of the problem of this country. Therefore you don’t need to search far for where the change you came for should start. Buhari, tell us if you are the messiah Nigeria has been waiting for, or do we look, and wait for another. To be contd.


By Uchendu Precious Onuoha (Special Correspondent Spain)


About 2000 years ago, the nation of Israel was in a state of dilemma and confusion, as it were dominated by an imperial lord. Under the circumstance the people found themselves they remembered that they were blessed with a land that flowed with milk and honey. But because of their disobedience to Yahweh, evil and corruption pervaded the land, and the Jewish nation lost their position and bearing in God’s purpose for the nation. And they became colonized by the Roman Empire. The people suffered in the midst of plenty as their fate lied in the hands of the imperial lords. Under their predicament, they remembered a promised messiah.  A leader who would bail them out, and deliver them from political, social and economic bondage. And It was under that scenario that Jesus Christ came on stage with a ministry contrary to their expectations, including John his fore runner. Perhaps if Jesus were really the Messiah, He would perform works connected with political deliverance of Israel or at least the deliverance of John, His fore runner who was unjustly imprisoned, they may have reasoned. John became doubtful, and sent emissaries to Jesus and asked. “Are you the coming one, or do we look for another?”  Under the circumstance John found himself, his situation may be explained.

The Presidential election has come and gone in Nigeria. And the president elect has emerged. His victory has been welcomed with a lot of euphoria among some Nigerians, and despair among others across the nation.  Like the people of Israel and John, Nigeria is in a state of high expectation, doubt and predicament. To the President elect, like a new born baby the birth celebration will soon be over and the guests will depart. And staring before him is a journey into a vast plantation. Buhari,  to many Nigerians may seem to be the expected Messiah going by his pedigree. But to millions of Johns across Nigeria, given to the state of rot in the system, with corruption exulted  and glorified in high places, no steady power supply, education and health care beyond the reach of the common man, no water, and good roads. A situation  that made Andrew to check out in the 80’s. And worse still the hydra headed insecurity problem. In the midst of these, the question in the minds of many Johns in Nigeria are;  Buhari, are you the coming one, or should we look for another?  President elect, the answer is yours.

In a country where the leaders are richer than the states, Politicians looting and squandering the public’s money without any fear or restriction and milking the nation’s resources to a standstill. While the masses and youths are suffering, the salary and income of a Nigerian legislator in a year is more than the overall income of the constituency that he represents. Mr. President elect, your campaign slogan was vote for “change”. Now that the protagonist of change has arrived, Will there be changes in situations that are crying for change.  Buhari, are you the coming one or should we look for another?

Judgement should begin from the house of God. Therefore change should begin from those on the seat of power. The earnings of a Nigerian senator in a year is more than enough  to provide the  basic amenities, which are lacken  in the states they represent. Because Nigerian legislators are overpaid that’s why going to Abuja has become a do or die affair for every politician whom the first bill that receives an express approval is their salaries. If Abuja is changed from been a goldmine to legislators at the expense of the people, the number of those who go there to suck Nigeria dry will be reduced.
Remove tithe and offering from the church, then you will know those who are really called by God.  President elect, here is a special report on the salaries of the legislators you are about to preside. Will there be a change in this trend.  Buhari, are you the one, or should we wait for another?

Details of Average Salary of a Nigerian Senator.
Basic Salary (B.S) -                                                                        N2, 484,245.50
Hardship Allowance (50% of B.S) -                                            N1,242,122.70
Constituency Allowance (200% of B.S) -                                  N4,968,509.00
Newspaper Allowance (50%of B.S) -                                        N1,242,122.70
Wardrobe Allowance (25% of B.S) -                                         N621,061.37
Recess Allowance (10% of B.S) -                                               N248,424.55
Accommodation (200% of B.S) -                                               N4,968,509.00
Utilities (30% of B.S) -                                                                 N828,081.83
Domestic Staff (70% of B.S) -                                                    N1,863,184.12
Entertainment (30% of B.S) -                                                    N828,081.83
Personal Assistants (25% of B.S) -                                            N621,061.12
Vehcle Maintenace Allowance (75% of B.S) -                        N1,863,184.12
Leave Allowance (10% of B.S) -                                                N248,424.55
Severance Gratuity (300% of B.S) -                                         N7,452,736.50
Car Allowance (400% of B.S) -                                                  N9, 936, 982.00
Total Monthly Salary =           N29,479.00 x 12 =  N353,756,988.00 ($2,183,685.00)
Exchange Rate = $1 = N162

Britain -                    $105, 400.00
United States -        $174,000.00
France -                    $85,900.00
South Africa -          $104,000.00
Kenya -                     $74,500.00
Saudi  Arabia -         $64,000.00
Brazil -                        $157,600.00
Ghana -                      $46, 500.00
Indonesia -                $65, 800.00
Thailand -                  $43,800.00
India -                        $11, 200.00
Italy -                         $182, 000.00
Bangladesh -            $4,000.00
Israel -                       $114,800.00
Hong Kong -             $130,700.00
Canada -                    $154, 000.00
Spain -                       $43,900.00
Germany -                $119,500.00
Pakistan -                  $3, 500.00
Norway -                   $138, 000.00

According to the Economist, in terms of law makers’ salaries as a ratio of GDP per capita, the gap is even much wider. While the salary of a Nigerian law maker is 116 times the country’s GDP per person, that of British Member of Parliament is just 2.7 times. The average salary of a Nigerian worker based on the national minimum wage is N18, 000.00. So the yearly salary is N18, 000.00 X12 = N216,000.00 ($1,333.00). Remember, the annual salary of a Nigerian senator is, $2,183,685.00. In proportion, $2,183,685.00/$1,333.00 = 1,638. Therefore, it will take an average Nigerian worker 1,638 years to earn the annual salary of a Nigerian Senator. Senior Buhari, please answer John your servant, with the above statistics, are you the one to make the changes, or should I wait for another?
Mr. President, you can see that our legislators legislate more into their pockets, and they are part of the problem of this country. Therefore you don’t need to search far for where the change you came for should start. Buhari, tell us if you are the messiah Nigeria has been waiting for, or do we look, and wait for another. To be contd.